
“Deformation” is a poetic exploration of the immigrant experience, focusing on the transformative journey from familiarity to unfamiliarity. This work delves into the complex metamorphosis that occurs as immigrants move from the comfort of being part of a majority to the isolation of becoming a minority in a new environment. This transition often leads to a deformation of identity, where cultural norms and personal values clash with the expectations of the host society.

The piece is rooted in the visual history of media portrayals of Iran and its relationship with the West, particularly the United States, over the past century. By using archival videos and news footage, I examine how media constructs and projects an image of Iran and Iranians to Western audiences—a mapping of the ‘othered’ identity for the ‘self.’ This experience mirrors the moment when an Iranian immigrant first encounters the host society, confronting a distorted image of themselves, one that is starkly different from their own perception.

The videos are projected onto cardboard boxes, symbolizing the constant movement and displacement inherent in the immigrant experience. These boxes, as vessels of change, emphasize the themes of transition, adaptation, and the often dissonant process of identity formation in a new cultural landscape. Through this work, I aim to capture the flux, introspection, and profound challenges that define the immigrant’s journey, offering a reflective space for both immigrants and the societies they enter.


Video installation criticizing the role of media in forming the identity of immigrants in host societies.

Video projection on cardboard boxes, LED neon, wires

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  • Skills:
    • Installation Art
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